The Centre for
Ukrainian Studies

Ivan Franko
National University
of Lviv
ХVI Міжнародна літня школа
Української мови та країнознавства
The International Online Summer School “Ukrainian Language and Country Studies”
July 17 to 29, 2023

Ukrainian is the language that opens the door to a young state with written documents that are a thousand years old, its unique culture, turbulent history, and national folk singing that is famous around the world.
It is the language spoken by more than 50 million open-hearted, hospitable people.
This is the language of a strategic partner in the political and economic life of the world.

L’viv is considered to be the spiritual capital of Ukraine. Here Ukrainian comes to its own right as the language of all spheres, of cultural and social life.
L’viv is one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe, and is located at the intersection of various nations.
L’viv is known for its mosaic culture: Ukrainians, Poles, Germans, Armenians, and Jews have created its intricate and paradoxical, yet harmonious, world.
This is a city that is an open-air museum though at the same time a modern city of students, artists, and actors.

The Centre is staffed by professionals from one of the most authoritative scientific and educational establishments of Ukraine – Ivan Franko National University of L’viv.
L’viv University has a long-standing tradition of teaching Ukrainian language and Ukrainian literature. This is the very institution where the first department of Ukrainian philology was established (in 1848).
The Centre for Ukrainian Studies
In order to promote Ukrainian language and culture in the world, the Centre is cordially inviting anyone interested to participate in the International Online Summer School “Ukrainian Language and Country Studies”
This summer you can:
- enrich your knowledge of Ukrainian through an intensive class using modern teaching;
- study in small groups (under 7 people) with qualified teachers of Ukrainian as a foreign language;
- make new friends from different parts of the world;
- widen your knowledge of Ukraine through lectures in history, economics, culture, politics and literature;
- meet famous Ukrainian people;
- get a credit (University Credits) (in case of an agreement on cooperation with Ivan Franko National University in Lviv).
We offer

International summer and winter schools of Ukrainian language and culture for foreigners
The Center for Ukrainian Studies organizes language courses for different groups of students under the auspices of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv within the school year based on specific arrangements made in advance.
In case there are enough students of the same language level, winter schools can be organized.
Students who are over 18 years old may participate in schools.
Younger participants need their parents’ written agreement to take part in the courses.

Online Lessons
The Center for Ukrainian Studies provides the opportunity for online studies of Ukrainian as a foreign language.
All interested are required to fill out an online application form indicating their level of Ukrainian, previous experience of learning Slavic languages and a convenient time for lessons.

Seminars for teachers of Ukrainian as a foreign language
The Center for Ukrainian Studies organizes round table discussions, seminars and conferences on the challenges of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language under the auspices of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv.
Teachers of Ukrainian abroad have the unique opportunity to gain and exchange experience during the International Summer School “Ukrainian Language and Country Studies”.